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Thaler Hof - Urlaub am Bauernhof in den Dolomiten

Contact & ArrivalHow to arrive

Thaler Hof

Patrizia Gargitter
Rappenegg 8
I-39050 Eggen/Deutschnofen
South Tyrol/Italy

Tel. +39 0471 61 58 07

VAT-No. PI 01402890212


    Here you may find our privacy policy
    and relevant revocation information.

    Arriving by car

    If you are coming from Brenner via the A 12, leave the motorway at Bozen Nord. Follow the main road for about 1 km towards Bozen and then turn right. At the roundabout, the last exit leads directly into the tunnel into the Eggental. After 12 km you are in Birchabruck, turn right again towards Deutschnofen, after 1 km turn left towards Eggen. From Eggen it is another 1.5 km to our farm.

    Current traffic situation for South Tyrol
    Traffic information Tel: 0039 0471 200198
    Current weather report for South Tyrol

    Arriving by train

    We will be happy to pick you up from the train station! Please specify this when booking!

    Arriving by bus

    We will be happy to pick you up from the bus station! Please specify this when booking!

    Arriving by plane

    Search for flights to Innsbruck, Verona, Munich or Bergamo. Direct bus connection to South Tyrol with the SüdtirolBus.

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